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Enqueues and Update Tasks


What help.sap.com doesn't tell us

I thought, SAP is pretty clear in what they tell us about the _SCOPE-parameter that can be passed to every enqueue-function modul.

The parameter can have 3 values, which means, according to help.sap.com:


Meaning of the _SCOPE Values



_SCOPE = 1

The lock belongs only to the dialog owner (owner_1), and therefore only exists in the dialog transaction. The DEQUEUE call or the end of the transaction, notCOMMIT WORKorROLLBACK WORK,cancels the lock.

_SCOPE = 2

The lock belongs to the update owner (owner_2) only. Therefore, the update inherits the lock whenCALL FUNCTION ‘…‘ IN UPDATE TASKandCOMMIT WORKare called. The lock is released when the update transaction is complete. You can release the lock before it is transferred to the update usingROLLBACK WORK.COMMIT WORKhas no effect, unlessCALL FUNCTION ‘…‘ IN UPDATE TASKhas been called.

_SCOPE = 3

The lock belongs to both owners (owner_1 and owner_2). In other words, it combines the behavior of both. This lock is canceled when the last of the two owners has released it.


_SCOPE Parameter (SAP Library - Architecture Manual)


The most interesting statement is the description for _SCOPE = 2. It says that the lock is released when the update transaction is complete.

So I understood that COMMIT WORK will implicitly release the lock. As I found out, it is not necessarily the case.


The test report

Consider the following test report.

The report is going to request a lock for an ABAP report. The lock argument is '1' as a dummy value. Keep in mind, that Z_UPDATE_TASK_DUMMY is an update function module that has no execution logic in my case.


DATA lt_enq TYPE TABLE OF seqg3.
FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_enq> TYPE seqg3.
CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_ES_PROG'   EXPORTING     name           = '1'     _scope         = '2'   EXCEPTIONS     foreign_lock   = 1     system_failure = 2     OTHERS         = 3.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.   MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_READ'   EXPORTING     gclient               = sy-mandt     guname                = sy-uname   TABLES     enq                   = lt_enq   EXCEPTIONS     communication_failure = 1     system_failure        = 2     OTHERS                = 3.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.   MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
ELSE.   IF lt_enq IS INITIAL.     WRITE 'No locks existing'.   ELSE.     LOOP AT lt_enq ASSIGNING <ls_enq>.       WRITE: <ls_enq>-gname,               <ls_enq>-garg,               <ls_enq>-gmode.       NEW-LINE.     ENDLOOP.   ENDIF.

The report offers a parameter PA_UPD to the user. If checked, the update function module will be called. If not checked, there is no update task registered. Afterwards, COMMIT WORK AND WAIT is always triggered.

In the end, the report shows any locks that the current user has.


The ugly truth

If the report is called with the enabled checkbox, the dummy function module will be called. In the end, all locks are released.

No Locks existent.PNG


If the report should not execute any update function module (checkbox is deactivated), the locks are not released at all. COMMIT WORK AND WAIT has no influence here as there is no update task registered. I also included the output of SM12 in the screenshot.

No Locks released.PNG


The moral of the story

Locks of the update owner are not necessarily released, when COMMIT WORK has been called. It depends on wether or not an update task has been called at all. help.sap.com is not wrong with the description about _SCOPE = 2, however, someone who reads the description might get a wrong idea of how ABAP works in this very case. It took me some time to figure out what happens here. So I hope this blog post helps other developers saving some time.

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