It is commonly known, that Excel stores dates internally as numbers. So, when uploading XML-Files based on Excel or when using Excel tables without date formatting, you might get something like this:
Expected | Provided |
2014/01/01 | 41640 |
2014/05/15 | 41774 |
2013/06/25 | 41450 |
1998/01/01 | 35796 |
So, with a little bit of code like this, we could reconstruct in SAP the date requested by adding the number of days to the base format used by Excel, which is January, 1st, 1900:
REPORT z_excel_date_to_sap.
gv_mydate TYPE sy-datum.
gv_mydate = '19000101'. "Base date used by Excel
ADD p_days TO gv_mydate.
WRITE: / 'Excel-Basedate 1900/01/01 +', p_days,
'days gives', gv_mydate.
So let's try the first example:
What's that? We are two days wrong!
A little investigation, eg by entering 1900/01/01 in Excel shows, that counting of days in Excel starts with 1. Therefore, day 1 is the first of January 1900. So when adding days we have to subtract one.
Ok, so change the code and let's hope that something magic will happen:
gv_mydate = gv_mydate + p_days - 1. "Because of 1900/01/01 is day 1.
Quite close, but still very wrong. The reason for this is explained by Chip Pearson in
The Excel day counting assumes that there was a February, 29th, 1900 (which was not!) in order to stay combatible with Lotus-1-2-3 formulas (where it was a bug) and worksheets.
So when using the internal date representation of Excel for date calculations, we have to subtract 2 in order to get a correct result:
gv_mydate = gv_mydate + p_days - 2. "Because of 1900/01/01 is day 1 and Excel
"counts a non-existing 1900/02/29
Now we get the correct result for our examples, here shown for the first one: