Scenario: Fetching the Material Description for a Material in Adobe Form using Web Service.
Consider a Scenario User enters a Material Number in a Adobe Form and the Material Description has
to be fetched from the Material master table , for this we use web service to fetch the description.
I. Create a Web Service:
Step 1: we need to create a Remote enable function module
Step 2 : Define one Import parameter material number(MATNR) and Two Export parameter material Description (MAKTX) and BAPIRETURN (Mandatory)
Step 3: Write the code for to fetch the material description in source code.
Then activate and check the function module
Step 4: Goto the Utilities->More utilities->Create web service->From the function module
Step 5: A Web Service Wizard will be displayed
Give the Service name and Description
Press continue
Check local object or package name
Press continue
Step 6: Now goto Transaction SOAMANAGER
The browser will start
Goto Tab Business Administration ->Web Service Administration
To find your webservice type your Service name in the Search Pattern and then select your service then click
Step 7: Click Open WSDL Document for selected binding
A Browser Window opens with XML code
Copy the URL, This URL is the generated WSDL Link.
II . Create Adobe Forms
Step 1 : Then goto the transaction SFP and create a empty interface then create a form
Goto the layout tab
Edit ->New data connections
Enter a New Data Connection Name
Select WSDL File and click next
Paste your URL and press next
Step 2 : Select your web service and press finish
The web service is added to the form .
Step 3 : In layout to create a new button and change it's control type to Execute
In execute tab select your Data connection name
Step 4: Drag and drop the MATNR and MAKTX fields to the Form.
Step 5 : Create a print program for the form.
In the '####' place paste your form name
data: ie_outputparams type sfpoutputparams.
data: i_name type fpname,
i_funcname type funcname.
data: fp_docparams type sfpdocparams.
data: fp_formoutput type fpformoutput.
data: data_tab type SOLIX_TAB.
ie_outputparams-getpdf = 'X'.
ie_outputparams-nodialog = 'X'. " suppress printer dialog popup
call function 'FP_JOB_OPEN'
ie_outputparams = ie_outputparams.
i_name = '######################'. “Your Form Name
i_name = i_name
e_funcname = i_funcname.
catch cx_fp_api_repository.
catch cx_fp_api_usage.
catch cx_fp_api_internal.
fp_docparams-langu = 'E'.
fp_docparams-country = 'US'.
fp_docparams-FILLABLE = 'X'.
call function i_funcname
/1bcdwb/docparams = fp_docparams
/1bcdwb/formoutput = fp_formoutput
usage_error = 1
system_error = 2
internal_error = 3.
call function 'FP_JOB_CLOSE'
usage_error = 1
system_error = 2
internal_error = 3
others = 4.
data: filename type string,
path type string,
fullpath type string,
default_extension type string value 'PDF'.
default_extension = default_extension
filename = filename
path = path
fullpath = fullpath ).
check fullpath is not initial.
call function 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY'
buffer = fp_formoutput-pdf
binary_tab = data_tab.
filename = filename
filetype = 'BIN'
data_tab = data_tab ).
document = filename ).
Output :
Step 6 : Run the print program and then save the pdf form in your drive or desktop , then open the form using the Adobe Reader (7.0 or above) .
Give the material number and press description Button , then it fetches the description of the Material entered.
Please let me know if anyone face any issue while developing or testing it.
Thanks & Regrads,
Arunkumar Chandrasekar,
Senior Consultant - SAP Practice @Kaavian Systems Pvt. Ltd.