As you already know there is often cases that we need to share common data across programs.
This is a result of business requirements for the purpose of this blog i like to call it as Buffer.
The meaning i use here is not the shared buffer concept in abap which is also another topic.
So we need to store in a place like buffer and share the memory.
As an example: In the latest project i was working on there was a requirement where i needed to store all the data that user has entered inside a Goods Movement
Till the user goes and saves sit i should be able to store the data in the Z interface that i developed.
So i needed to store the data which was a complex one.
Export to MEMORY ID concept is the most primitive one but not very powerful when you are needing to store smth very complex like an object
So I had to unleash the Shared memory and learn it to apply in the project.
Lets start applying here !!!
In the example below i like to give you a shared memory where you can store an object or data.
Step 1- Create the Shared memory Object- What will you store?
Create the object called zcl_shared_root-DO NOT FORGET TO MARK IT AS SHARED MEMORY ENABLED
class ZCL_SHARED_ROOT definition public final create public shared memory enabled .
public section.
data OREF type ref to OBJECT . data DREF type ref to DATA .
methods SET_OREF importing !IO_OREF type ref to OBJECT . methods GET_OREF returning value(RO_OREF) type ref to OBJECT . methods SET_DATA importing !IO_DREF type ref to DATA . methods GET_DATA returning value(RO_DREF) type ref to DATA . protected section. private section. ENDCLASS.
method GET_DATA. ro_dref = dref. endmethod.
method GET_OREF. ro_oref = oref. endmethod.
method SET_DATA. dref = io_dref. endmethod.
method SET_OREF. oref = io_oref. endmethod. ENDCLASS. |
Attributes: oref as reference to another object
dref as a reference to any data
Step 2- Create the Shared memory Area- The memory area that wıill store your object
Check SHMA is quite useful !!
Question: Automatic Preload is a good feature, when we first read the data it will throw a dump so to avoid this we need to use automatic preload feature!!
Here the name of the Area is zcl_shared_areaç notice the root class name is our root at above and auto are creation is ticked !!
This is because of the interface we implemented at the zcl_shared_root object
Step 3 - Create a the Object we want to Save called zcl_object_saved
Note that its shared memory enabled as well!!
Example data taken from sflight database!!
zcl_object_saved |
class zcl_object_saved definition public final create public shared memory enabled .
public section. data flight_list type sflight_tab1 . methods add_flight importing !is_flight type sflight . methods get_flight_list returning value(rt_flight_list) type sflight_tab1 . protected section. private section.
class zcl_object_saved implementation.
* <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_OBJECT_SAVED->ADD_FLIGHT * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [--->] IS_FLIGHT TYPE SFLIGHT * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE> method add_flight.
read table flight_list transporting no fields with key carrid = is_flight-carrid connid = is_flight-connid fldate = is_flight-fldate . if sy-subrc ne 0. append initial line to flight_list reference into data(lr_flight). lr_flight->* = is_flight. endif.
* <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Instance Public Method ZCL_OBJECT_SAVED->GET_FLIGHT_LIST * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | [<-()] RT_FLIGHT_LIST TYPE SFLIGHT_TAB1 * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE> method get_flight_list. rt_flight_list = flight_list. |
Step 4 - Implement the Build of the Automatic preload!! interfaces if_shm_build_instance
Implement the code inside ZCL_SHARED_ROOT build!!
method if_shm_build_instance~build. data: lo_handle type ref to zcl_shared_area, lo_root type ref to zcl_shared_root, lo_object_saved type ref to zcl_object_saved, ls_sflight type sflight .
*Autamatic PreLoad!! try. lo_handle = zcl_shared_area=>attach_for_write( ). create object lo_root area handle lo_handle. lo_handle->set_root( lo_root ).
create object lo_root->oref area handle lo_handle type zcl_object_saved. lo_object_saved ?= lo_root->oref. **get data select single * from sflight into ls_sflight. **Set a data lo_object_saved->add_flight( is_flight = ls_sflight ). lo_handle->detach_commit( ). catch cx_shm_error into data(lo_exception). raise exception type cx_shm_build_failed exporting previous = lo_exception. endtry.
if invocation_mode = cl_shm_area=>invocation_mode_auto_build. call function 'DB_COMMIT'. endif.
endmethod. |
Step 5 -Create a test program!!
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZTEST_SHARED *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
report ztest_shared.
class lcl_test definition. public section. class-methods: test_auto_build. class-methods: test_write.
class lcl_test implementation.
method test_auto_build. data: lo_handle type ref to zcl_shared_area, lo_root type ref to zcl_shared_root, lo_object_saved type ref to zcl_object_saved, ls_sflight type sflight . *Autamatic PreLoad!! try. lo_handle = zcl_shared_area=>attach_for_read( ). lo_object_saved ?= lo_handle->root->oref.
lo_handle->detach( ). catch cx_shm_attach_error into data(lo_exc).
method test_write. data: lo_handle type ref to zcl_shared_area, lo_root type ref to zcl_shared_root, lo_object_saved type ref to zcl_object_saved, ls_sflight type sflight .
try. lo_handle = zcl_shared_area=>attach_for_write( ). create object lo_root area handle lo_handle. lo_handle->set_root( lo_root ).
create object lo_root->oref area handle lo_handle type zcl_object_saved. lo_object_saved ?= lo_root->oref. **get data select single * from sflight into ls_sflight. **Set a data lo_object_saved->add_flight( is_flight = ls_sflight ). lo_handle->detach_commit( ). catch cx_shm_error into data(lo_exception). raise exception type cx_shm_build_failed exporting previous = lo_exception. endtry.
start-of-selection. break solend.
call method lcl_test=>test_auto_build. |
Step 6- Observe the memory Area Created!!
Go to shma and choose the memory area-zcl_shared_area
As you can see you can check the memory allocated for the Shared memory and inside our memory we managed to store another object!!
This could be a much complex object!!
Conclusion: So i can read this memory area and access the object from another program which is great is not it.
I hope you find my blog useful!!
Thanks all