Today when I am reading this SAP help, I find out this sentence:
Then I have opened the definition of table DDLOG in the system and found I cannot directly view the content of field NOTEBOOK due to its data type LRAW.
So I have chosen one table with buffer activated, and made some changes on it.
Since I can only query this table via timestamp, I cannot figure out which entry is for my change on CRMC_PROC_TYPE.
Although I can fetch the content of NOTEBOOK in ABAP code via SELECT *, I do not how to parse this raw data to extract useful information.
So I perform where used list on this table:
Then I have found two useful stuff:
1. table buffer synchronization monitor
use report RSDBBUF3:
2. FM SBUF_SEL_DDLOG_RECS to parse content of field DDLOG-NOTEBOOK
I wrote a simple report to use this FM:
DATA: lt_sync_tab TYPE sync_tab_t, lv_tstamp_from TYPE ddlog-timestamp, lv_tstamp_to TYPE ddlog-timestamp. lv_tstamp_from = '20160621061955'. lv_tstamp_to = '20160623000000'. CALL FUNCTION 'SBUF_SEL_DDLOG_RECS' EXPORTING from_time = lv_tstamp_from to_time = lv_tstamp_to max_cnt = 10000 keep_db2_tstmp = 'X' CHANGING sync_tab = lt_sync_tab. SORT lt_sync_tab BY tabname.
Now I can find the corresponding entry for my changes from changing parameter lt_sync_tab by table name: