I found it interesting to share this code because it serves to monitor the SCC4 , it is a transaction that opens the SAP environment to change ... where they can be made without request.
This can cause several problems with audit inconsistency environments ... We will have a table that stores user data and email that will receive the notification.
After a job is triggered to run Z program at this point if the environment is open, it will trigger an email displaying the environment and principal for people registered in the table.
1 - Create Table
MAND | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | 0 | Client |
USUARIO | XUBNAME | CHAR | 12 | 0 | User Name in User Master Record |
AD_SMTPADR | CHAR | 241 | 0 | E-Mail Address |
2 - Create program
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZJOB_STATUS_SCC4 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& mail: tobias@tolfo.com.br *&phone: +55 5599510981 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZJOB_STATUS_SCC4. TABLES: T000. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tbtco, jobname TYPE tbtco-jobname, sdlstrtdt TYPE tbtco-sdlstrtdt, sdlstrttm TYPE tbtco-sdlstrttm, END OF ty_tbtco. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tbtcom, sdlstrtdt TYPE tbtco-sdlstrtdt, sdlstrttm TYPE tbtco-sdlstrttm, END OF ty_tbtcom. DATA: it_t000 TYPE TABLE OF t000, gt_tbtco TYPE TABLE OF ty_tbtco, gt_dest_mail TYPE TABLE OF zbasis_dest_mail. DATA: wa_dest_mail TYPE zbasis_dest_mail, wa_t000 TYPE t000, wa_tbtco TYPE ty_tbtco. *validacao dos parametros PERFORM parameters_t000. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form parameters *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM parameters_t000 . * Ini.1- Seleciona os mandantes que estao abertos SELECT * FROM t000 INTO TABLE it_t000 WHERE CCCORACTIV <> '2' OR CCNOCLIIND <> '3'. * End.1 * Ini.2 - Verifica se existe algum ambiente aberto, se verdadeiro ele vai selecionar * os emails que devem receber a notificacao, caso contrario nao executa o programa. IF it_t000 IS NOT INITIAL. PERFORM select_mail. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. * End.2 ENDFORM. " parameters_t000 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form SELECIONA_EMAIL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM select_mail . * Ini. 3 - Seleciona os emails SELECT * FROM ZBASIS_DEST_MAIL INTO TABLE gt_dest_mail. * End. 3 * Ini 4. Verifica se existe algum email cadastrado para enviar a notificacao. * e realiza a chamada. IF gt_dest_mail[] IS INITIAL. MESSAGE text-003 TYPE 'S'. STOP. ENDIF. PERFORM send_mail. ENDFORM. " select_mail *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form send_mail *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM send_mail . DATA: lt_receivers TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1, lt_txt TYPE TABLE OF solisti1. DATA: wa_doc_data TYPE sodocchgi1, wa_receivers TYPE somlreci1, wa_txt TYPE solisti1. REFRESH: lt_receivers, lt_txt. CLEAR: wa_receivers, wa_txt, wa_doc_data. LOOP AT gt_dest_mail INTO wa_dest_mail. wa_receivers-receiver = wa_dest_mail-email. wa_receivers-rec_type = 'U'. APPEND wa_receivers TO lt_receivers. CLEAR wa_receivers. ENDLOOP. * Ini.5 - Montanto as mensagens wa_doc_data-obj_descr = 'Status do Ambientes atraves da SCC4 - ' && sy-host && sy-mandt. wa_txt-line = 'Ambientes Alterados: ' . APPEND wa_txt TO lt_txt. LOOP AT it_t000 INTO wa_t000. wa_txt-line(32) = wa_t000-mtext. WRITE wa_t000-mandt TO wa_txt-line+35(12). WRITE wa_t000-changeuser TO wa_txt-line+50(11). WRITE wa_t000-changedate TO wa_txt-line+70(13). APPEND wa_txt TO lt_txt. * End.5 ENDLOOP. * Chama funcao para o envio do email CALL FUNCTION 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' EXPORTING document_data = wa_doc_data document_type = 'RAW' put_in_outbox = 'X' commit_work = 'X' TABLES object_content = lt_txt receivers = lt_receivers EXCEPTIONS too_many_receivers = 1 document_not_sent = 2 document_type_not_exist = 3 operation_no_authorization = 4 parameter_error = 5 x_error = 6 enqueue_error = 7 OTHERS = 8. ENDFORM. " send_mail
2 - Create JOB
The job time is the User discretion, in my case I use 1 minute.
3 - Email layout received
Any doubts I am available,
Tobias Tolfo