I started this already via Twitterhow to fetch or map two values from an internal table if you are not interested in the whole line
Input: lt_vbpa (just an internal table with some more columns )
target: lv_kunn (two fields to be filled ... needed for next method or something.
Of cause there are lots of solutions, we could make a list out of it, but key is to have FAST, short an understandable code
80s style:
Read Table lt_vbpa assigning <fs> Key ...
lv_kunnr = <fs>-kunnr.
lv_land1 = <fs>-land1.
New >7.40
lv_kunnr = lt_vbpa[ parvw = "WE" ]-kunnr
lv_land1 = lt_vbpa[ parvw = "WE" ]-land1
* but worse 2 read operations in ITAB performance issue in mass processing.
Via Twitter I did receive some Ideas:
New >7.40feat. Uwe Fetzer
Read Table ltvbpa assigning <fs> Key ...
assign lt_vbpa[ parvw = "WE" ] to <fs>.
lv_kunnr = <fs>-kunnr.
lv_land1 = <fs>-land1.
* Nicer, one read on the itab only, but still tree lines of code
Solution by Enno Wulff
* Also nicer but quite some coding overhead... and again with the performance issue of two reads.
I still do not see a great Idea to do this in a nice way in two lines of code (pls. no #Macros, or two statemts in one line ideas ...)
Thanks for the two of you for your Ideas!